Take a look at the arrangements on offer

Rafting Tara ili kako bi se reklo idem na Rafting Tarom je definitivno avantura koja se pamti. Zato je the Trio Lux Resort rešio da vam omogući najbolji doživaljaj raftinga tarom.

Po čemu se avantura koju mi organizujemo razlikuje od drugih?

  • Nalazimo se na najboljoj poziciji
  • Ne zavisite od drugih i možemo vam organizovati spust samo za vas i vaše prijatelje
  • Smešteni ste u najnovijem i najmodernijem objektu, sa sadržajem koji je prilagođen vašim potrebama
  • Sva oprema je novijeg datuma i redovno servisirana, čime ne postoji mogućnost na grešku
  • Sve je predodređeno vašem užitku kako bi ga pamtili celog života

Adrenaline sport which takes place in natural conditions, on fast rivers, also known as rafting or rafting in wild waters, a recreational activity in which a raft or boat, usually rubber, is necessary, good navigation and endurance of the crew in extreme conditions on the water.

Everything you need to know about rafting

Rafting (Rafting Tarom) as a sport became popular back in 1970. It happens in wild waters. It is extremely adrenaline-intensive for all participants, but it can also be dangerous if the basic safety requirements are not met. There are more people in the boat, at least four, and individual rafting attempts are not advisable and are usually very risky.

Like many other sports in nature, rafting has become safer for years, and one of the important safety factors of the entire crew is the level of experience of rafts (tour leader or skipper) quality of equipment.

An indispensable part of standard rafting equipment is a protective helmet and life jacket (self-rescue).

Tara Rafting

With Trio Lux, you will experience one of the most beautiful rafting moments down the Tara River and through its canyon, which is considered one of the most beautiful and cleanest rivers in Europe.

It emerges under the Komova mountain massif at 1,250 m above sea level, where near Scepano Field (at 430 m above sea level) it connects with the Beer River and creates the Drina River.

Tara Canyon is 144km long and up to 1,300m deep, making it the second deepest canyon in the world, after famous Colorado, and definitely the longest canyon in Europe.

Velikim svojim delom reka Tara protiče kroz nacionalni park “Durmitor”, koji je inače pod zaštitom UNESCO-a od 1980. godine.

More than 90km of Tara stream consists of rapids, and the most interesting section stretches between Brštanovica and Scepan field. Depending on water levels, river speed, and season, the descent down Tara can take up to five to six hours.

The canyon is abundant with sparkling waterfalls, and definitely the most beautiful and attractive is 'Grasshopper', whose foothills are positioned as many as 80 caves.

Tara je pitka celim svojim tokom, što je čini jedinstvenom u Evropi i zbog čega je ponela ponosni naziv “SUZA EVROPE”.